SDSC Surf Tryouts: Frequently Asked Questions
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What is the purpose of tryouts? +
SDSC Surf holds tryouts to help place players interested in playing competitive soccer for SDSC Surf into the appropriate levels of play. Our club values the individual development of each player in the club and try-outs are an important part of the process. Placing players at the appropriate level of play helps them maximize their potential and contribute to their team. There are many strong teams at SDSC, especially in the 7v7 and 9v9 formats. Our 2nd and 3rd teams are often times playing the same level as other clubs top teams.
When are tryouts held? +
Tryouts for the younger age groups are usually held December-January. Older age groups are held in April. You can check out Tryout page for dates.
If you missed tryouts, you can also look at our Tryout page for any teams still looking for players.
How do we decide who plays at each level? +
There are several parts to the selection process. For players currently playing in SDSC, the tryout process is a year-long process and not based solely on the 2-3 days of tryouts.
Prior to the beginning of tryouts the coaching staff holds meetings to discuss players and how they have performed on their current teams. They discuss players who are thriving and should be considered for higher levels of play as well as players who are struggling and may need to drop a level in order to develop to their potential.
Our Directors of Coaching and Age Group Coordinators also have key involvement in the team selection process. Directors of Coaching and Age Group Coordinators evaluate players throughout the season during games and practices. This allows them the opportunity to share evaluations and suggestions with the coaches both throughout the season and the try-out process.
The formal tryout is necessary as it allows us to evaluate players in game like situations and make comparisons. For players who have been with SDSC, this is the last step of the tryout process. This also allows the coaching staff an opportunity to incorporate players from outside the club and evaluate their level of play.
What can I to expect at tryouts? +
Tryouts are the last piece of the evaluation puzzle. The primary focus at tryouts is game play. During tryouts, our coaching staff assess playersβ talent in game like situations. Tryout sessions begin with skill oriented warm-ups. Players are then separated into groups for small sided games. Groups are initially based on current teams and feedback from pre tryout meetings. As the play continues, coaches will move players and groups around to see them compete against each other. This allows the coaches the opportunity to see the level of play for individual players. After the sessions are complete the coaching staff meets to discuss players, and to place them on the appropriate team.
Coaching Assignments are posted prior to the team formation and tryout process. These assignments are subject to change throughout the team formation process.
What are coaches looking for? +
Coaches are looking for players whose skill set aligns with the club philosophy. They are looking for players who have skills and abilities on the field that meet the demands of the game. Coaches are looking for players who show the athleticism, work rate and the desire necessary to play the game with the skills we feel are important to play soccer at a competitive level. They also look to find kids who are coachable and work well in a team atmosphere.
Team selection +
Every year the demand to join the competitive program exceeds the number of available slots. SDSC presumes that every player attending tryouts is committed to joining the program. If your child is selected for a team we ask that you be ready to commit to your spot when you receive a phone call from the coach following tryouts. We will not be able to hold spots for players any longer than 24 hours. Once confirmed on a team, you will receive an email with a registration link and must register right away to hold your spot..
Helpful hints for players +
Look to take charge of your situation. Come prepared to work hard and play soccer to the best of your ability. Look to play positions you are comfortable with but be open to suggestions by a coach. Be prepared to ask a coach questions should you have any. Get yourself involved in the game and want the ball.
Helpful hints for the parents +
Tryouts are a stressful time. Make sure your child is prepared to play. Ensure they have the necessary equipment, have had a healthy meal and are in the right mindset. Do not put any added pressure on your child to make a particular team. This is their opportunity to tryout, let them enjoy it and help them take ownership. This is not the parents try-out so please do not get involved in telling them what to do or criticizing their efforts on the field. Please, no coaching from the sidelines.